Inspired by the Higgs field

Contemplating Human Existence and Evolution

The reason we have evolved to exist is that according to the Higgs team our electron clouds, protons and neutrons that make up our molecules, proteins and DNA are the kind of particles that get trapped and affected by the Higgs field.

The Higgs field is an ever present field that allows us to have mass and in effect to be at one spot for a relatively long time. Staying at roughly one place for a while allows chemical reactions to occur on complex molecules which in turn  permits further interaction and biological life as we know it. Science fiction writers have called it the “God field” and it’s associated excitation the “God particle”.

In comparison, a photon is forced by nature to travel at the speed of light in vacuum and probably does not constitute a life form, at least not in our human time scale or universe space scale!

The Higgs field allows our universe with its’ idiosyncratic particles and fields to coexist after the Big Bang and everything that comes in it including us.

We exist in a state of perpetual vibration; one of which we cannot physically see but about which we have created a theoretical basis with which we can experiment with our own energy states.

What I’m experiencing right now, as I’m typing these words and in a sense what allows me to type these words is the physical repulsion forces caused by the exchange of electron clouds of the molecular orbitals of the molecules of my skin.

The forces are in turn passed on by my dermis and all the other tissues and finally the minerals that compose my ostein skeleton. Reminiscent of the Shakespearean scenes in Hamlet.

My skin is damaged when enough energy is deposited that allows overcoming the bond energy of billions of molecular bonds and forces that separate the electron clouds of the many chemical elements that constitute my epidermis.

Hamlet would not have been able to contemplate the words “to be or not to be” or the writer to compose these naive sentences without the omnipresence of the Higgs field.

July 14, 2012 at 8:25 pm Leave a comment

What is a neutron?

Neutrons are all around you. You see them when you walk down the street. You can hear them right now. You taste them when you eat. You even felt them the moment you used your mouse. Is that air you are breathing right now ? or 50% neutrons?

~50% of You is made of neutrons.

(Actually these statements are not strictly true. You cannot experience neutrons directly. ESS could help you with that! They are, however, the building blocks of normal matter. )

The European Spallation Source ESS: A neutron facility for materials useful to science and society

A neutron is a subatomic particle; it is one of the building blocks of the atom. As such, it is found in the nucleus of an atom. The neutron has an atomic mass of about 1.00865 u, and a mass of about 1.675 x 10-27 kg. Its spin is +1/2 and that makes it a fermion. Additionally, it has no electric charge. A neutron is composed of two down quarks and an up quark, and these are bound together by the strong interaction (strong force).

A neutron is unstable when free in nature, and has a half life of about 886 seconds. The neutron could be said to be only “alive” to be part of an atomic nucleus as it ceases to exist after a while if left alone. When it wanders around loose, like after its release following a decay event or a fission event, it may bump into another atomic nucleus and become captured by it. This process is called – no surprise – neutron capture. It is, after all, a nucleon, as is a proton, both of which make up an atomic nucleus. When a neutron decays, a decay mediated by the weak interaction, it releases a proton (or, if you prefer, a hydrogen nucleus). Additionally, an electron, and an antineutrino are ejected. If you recognize this as beta minus decay, you are correct.

A neutron or neutrons can be practically released in one of two methods nuclear fission or the most efficient and safe method “spallation”. We build machines that take advantage of this phenomenon that perform fundamental research to help create and improve the materials our society will need in the future.

An example of an instrument that helps analyse materials with neutrons

A European large scale facility that will have a collection of instruments that help analyse materials using neutrons

The European Spallation Source

May 23, 2012 at 12:05 pm 1 comment

Quick Guide to Accessing crystallographic information from the CDS and ICDS databases

Accessing crystallographic information from the Cambridge Crystallographic Database for Inorganic and Organic structures.


Accessing crystallographic information on the CDS and ICDS database

March 26, 2011 at 2:10 am Leave a comment

Evangelos Stamatis

Ευάγγελος Σταμάτης



March 24, 2011 at 3:53 pm Leave a comment

NitroMethanol Fuel Cost Calculation

Nitro Fuel Calculations for RC

Nitro fuel calculation spreadsheet for 16% and 25% V/V Nitromethane concentration.

Other ingredients include Rizinus Oil(Castor Oil no resin), Methanol, Synthetic oil (MOLSYNC 80K)

March 8, 2011 at 4:58 pm Leave a comment

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